㋉ § 远洋捕捞
– 本月术语译注,按拼音排序 –
- 不卑不亢 | being neither haughty nor humble
- 不分胜负 / 难解难分 | dead heat
- 偿付债务 / 兑付债务 | debt repayment / debt service
- 等量齐观 | on par with
- 纲举目张 | take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves / (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered
- 乖离率 | deviation rate
- 民刑交叉案件 | case concerning both criminal and civil liabilities : 先刑后民 | criminal before civil proceedings vs. 刑民并行 | parallel proceedings
- 强心针 | a shot in the arm
- 踏空 | miss the dip
- 套路 | routine / maneuvre
- 无理取闹 | being difficult on purpose
- 远洋捕捞 | profit-driven, cross-regional law enforcement
- 栽赃嫁祸 | scapegoating / planting evidence against
- 战斗力 | combat power
- 证券、基金、保险公司互换便利 | SFISF (securities, funds and insurance companies swap facility) : 10月10日,中国人民银行决定创设“证券、基金、保险公司互换便利,支持符合条件的证券、基金、保险公司以债券、股票ETF、==沪深300成分股==等资产为抵押,从人民银行换入国债、央行票据等高等级流动性资产。即日起,接受符合条件的证券、基金、保险公司申报互换便利