㋋ § 间断平衡
– 本月术语译注,按拼音排序 –
- 扶摇直上 | skyrocket
- 过头税 | advance tax
- 花冤枉钱 | throwing good money after bad
- 间断平衡 | punctuated equilibrium : 一种有关生物进化模式的学说。即一个系谱长期所处的静止或平衡状态被短期的、爆发性的大进化所打破,伴随着产生大量新物种。
- 具身智能 | embodied intelligence
- 开单 | close a deal
- 开枝散叶 | spread far and wide
- 亏待 | short-change
- 乐见其成 | happy to see
- 留守儿童 | left-behind children
- 拍卡支付 | tap-to-pay
- 前沿 vs. 后沿 | cutting edge vs. trailing edge
- 审时度势 | “judge the hour and size up the situation”
- 拾级而下 | step down
- 首发经济 | debut economy
- 私相授受 | deal under the table
- 头绪 | main threads (of a complicated affair)
- 未定之天 | sweepstakes
- 血气方刚 | hot-blooded
- 营私舞弊 | engage in embezzlement and malpractice
- 硬科技 | deep tech
- 着墨不多 | sketchily described
- 坐言起行 | no sooner said than done